The National Network for the Prevention and Management of Pathological Gambling (RNPSJP) was born out of an initiative of professionals from health care and research structures on gambling addiction. It was created so that health care professionals might collaborate and share their practices and knowledges.
The missions of the Network
- enable better practice assessment
- define consensus elements on the medical care of pathological gambling disorders
- favor the development of resource teams in France
- develop training actions for the teams
- formalize prevention actions, particularly for young people
- develop multicentric research projects
Book published on the Network
« Le jeu pathologique : comprendre, prévenir, traiter » (« Understanding, preventing and treating pathological gambling ») is a book partly written by the members of the National Network for the Prevention and Management of Pathological Gambling (RNPSJP), and is aimed at clinicians managing pathological gamblers, in order to facilitate the evaluation of their situation as a whole, and to define the best therapeutic orientations.
The bureau of the Network
The bureau is composed of :
- President : Marie GRALL-BRONNEC, Addictology department and member of the IFAC at Nantes University Hospital
- 1st vice-president : Abdou BELKACEM, Hospital Center des 4 villes, Sèvres
- 2nd vice-president : Muriel GREGOIRE, Medical Center Marmottan Paris
- Secretary : Lucia ROMO, CMME Hospital Center Sainte Anne Paris
- Vice-secretary : Melina FATSEAS, Hospital Center Charles Perrens Bordeaux
- Treasurer : Isabelle CHEREAU-BOUDET, University Hospital Clermont-Ferrand
- Vice-treasurer : Irène CODINA, Medical Center Marmottan Paris
The member structures of the Network
For now, 19 hospital and universitary structures have joined the Network :
- Psychology practice - VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ
- Psychology practice - REIMS
- Charles Perrens Hospital Center - BORDEAUX et Université Victor Segalen BORDEAUX 2
- University Hospital - CLERMONT-FERRAND
- Louis Mourrier University Hospital - COLOMBES et Université PARIS X
- Sainte Marguerite University Hospital - MARSEILLE
- Hospital Center - MORLAIX
- University Hospital - NANTES (Addictology Department and Reference Center on Excessive Gambling)
- University Hospital - NIMES
- Marmottan Medical Center - PARIS
- Cassini Center - PARIS
- University Hospital - ROUEN
- 4 villes Hospital Center - SÈVRES
- Sainte Anne CMME Hospital Center - PARIS
- Paul Brousse Hospital - VILLEJUIF
- Paris Descartes University - PARIS